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Social Media

The product buttons include a link to the product whereas the social media ones do not. The social media links are designed so they go to your own social media page.

Help Contents

Social Media

Product Buttons

If you would like to show social media icons under each product in single, double, triple or detail view, select the social media systems you would like to include, then click 'Update Buttons'.

Social Media URLs

To include social media icons on your site:

In your template, make sure your template designer adds the %SOCIAL_MEDIA% include (socialmedia.php) wherever you want the icons to show.

On the Social Media administration page, next to each social media label (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)

  1. Select the icon you wish to represent that social media site.
  2. Enter the full URL (including http:// or https://) of your social media page
    e.g. Add: next to 'Facebook' to link to that page when someone clicks the Facebook icon on your site.

If you wish to add a social media link, link to a blog, or link to an outside web site:

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the Social Media URL list.
  2. Select an icon from the list; this will be used as the image that links to the web page.
  3. Add a name to identify the link (e.g. 'My Blog' or 'Mailing List')
  4. Enter the full URL (including http:// or https://) of the web site. You can also use a mailto link (e.g. for a 'Contact Us' link.

To delete a link you added, click the X next to the link and confirm the deletion.

Social Media Layout

Advanced! The social media links appear as icons in a circle background (colors are in 'Social Text' and 'Social Bkgd' in 'Fonts & Colors' under 'Web Site'). If you wish to change that default look, you can edit the layout here. Note that you may also need to adjust your custom CSS to style the icons. All icons use Font Awesome styling. You can use the following in your layouts:

  • [%%LOOP%%] Everything between two [%%LOOP%%] statements styles a single icon. Everything before the first [%%LOOP%%] appears before the list of icons; everything after the second [%%LOOP%%] appears after the icon list.
  • [%%URL%%] Displays the URL to each social media site. Should be placed within the loop.
  • [%%ICON%%] Displays the Font Awesome icon class. Should be placed within the loop.

When you are finished editing the layout, click 'Update Layout' to save your changes. Click 'Reset Layout' to revert back to the default.