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How Fonts & Colors work

Settings at Web Site > Fonts & Colors

Fonts and colors sets the store's fonts and colors. Note that %STYLE_SHEET% must be in the template.


Explanation of each font & color setting.

Name Where used
Font Style This font applies to all elements on the page
Font Size The main font size on the page
Small Font The size of the smallest accent font
Large Font  
Header Font  
Header Color The color of the company name header font
Body Bkgd The color of the page background
Body Text The color of the main text on the page
Anchor Link The color of the main links on the page
Anchor Hover The hover color of the main links on the page (leave blank for no hover)
Highlight Text The color of highlighted text
Accent Color The color of tables with accents, such as the events calendar
Sale Color The color of sale prices and error messages
Line Color The color of the horizontal lines between products (leave blank for no lines)
Banner Bkgd Background color of alert banner
Banner Text Text color of alert banner
Banner Bkgd Background color of alert banner
Blog Text Text color of blog home page text
Nav Button Text  
Page Link The text color of page navigation links
Page Hover The background color of page hover links
DrillDownBkgd Background color of breadcrumbs

'ProductLink'=>'The color of links within product layouts',
'ProductHover'=>'The hover color of links within product layouts (leave blank for no hover)',
'FeatureLink'=>'The color of featured product links',
'FeatureHover'=>'The hover color of featured product links (leave blank for no hover)',
'EmailLink'=>'The color of email a friend links',
'EmailHover'=>'The hover color of email a friend links (leave blank for no hover)',
'RelatedLink'=>'The color of related product links',
'RelatedHover'=>'The hover color of related product links (leave blank for no hover)',
'PopupLink'=>'The color of pop up page links',
'PopupHover'=>'The hover color of pop up page links (leave blank for no hover)',
'DrillDownLink'=>'The color of the drill down category navigation links',
'DrillDownHover'=>'The hover color of the drill down category navigation links (leave blank for no hover)',
'CartLink'=>'The color of the view cart link',
'CartHover'=>'The hover color of the view cart link (leave blank for no hover)',
'CategoryLink'=>'The color of the main category links for vertical or horizontal text links',
'CategoryHover'=>'The hover color of the main category links for vertical or horizontal text links (leave blank for no hover)',
'SubCatLink'=>'The color of the sub category links for vertical or horizontal text links',
'SubCatHover'=>'The hover color of the sub category links for vertical or horizontal text links (leave blank for no hover)',
'EndCatLink'=>'The color of the last end category links for vertical or horizontal text links',
'EndCatHover'=>'The hover color of the last end category links for vertical or horizontal text links (leave blank for no hover)',
'CatButtonText'=>'The color of the text if using tab, button or bar navigation styles',
'CatButtonBkgd'=>'The color of the background if using tab, button or bar navigation styles',
'CatActiveText'=>'The color of the text of the active tab, button or bar',
'CatActiveBkgd'=>'The color of the background of the active tab, button or bar',
'CatHoverText'=>'The hover color of the text if using tab, button or bar navigation styles (leave blank for no hover)',
'CatHoverBkgd'=>'The hover color of the background if using tab, button or bar navigation styles (leave blank for no hover)',
'MobileLink'=>'The color of the text for mobile device navigation links',
'MobileBkgd'=>'The color of the background for mobile device navigation links',
'MobileHoverLink'=>'The hover color of the text for mobile device navigation links (leave blank for no hover)',
'MobileHoverBkgd'=>'The hover color of the background for mobile device navigation links (leave blank for no hover)',
'CatButtonBorder'=>'The color of the border if using tab, button or bar navigation styles',
'FormButtonBorder'=>'The color of the border for form buttons like order or search buttons (leave blank to use standard form buttons)',
'FormButtonText'=>'The color of the text for form buttons like order or search buttons (leave blank to use standard form buttons)',
'FormButtonBkgd'=>'The color of the background for form buttons like order or search buttons (leave blank to use standard form buttons)',

'SocialText'=>'The color of social media icons when using the social media include',
'SocialBkgd'=>'The background color of social media icons when using the social media include',
'SocialBorder'=>'The border color of social media icons when using the social media include',
'SocialHover'=>'The background hover color of social media icons when using the social media include',

Category Navigation



Lists all categories horizontally. Also featured, all, new, sale item links (if enabled).

link color: Category Link
font size: Large Font

%CATEGORY_ HORIZONTAL% is used in the template for horizontal navigation. To directly change only its font size, use this in the template.

nav.sbnav_horizontal.sb_hlinks { font-size: 1.0em }


Shows a horizontal list, commonly called breadcrumbs, of where you are in navigation.

Link color: drill down link
Link hover color: drill down hover
Background color: drill down bkgd

Read more about breadcrumbs.


Lists all active pages horizontally. Each page name is a link to that page.

link color: Page Link
link hover color: Page Hover
font size: Large Font

Access via css

To directly change only its font size, use this in the template.

nav.sbnav_horizontal.sb_hlinks { font-size: 1.0em }



Shows a vertical list of top-level categories. If subcategories exist for a category, they will show up in a flyout menu when the cursor is hovered over the category containing subcategories.

Relevant fonts & colors


Lists all categories vertically. Also shows featured, sale, all, new links as set in Catalog Setup > Categories


Relevant fonts & colors

Page Navigation



Access via css

This example changes the font size to 1.2em

nav.sbnav_dropmenu.sb_pages.sb_hlinks {font-size: 1.2em}



Lists links to all active pages vertically.


Relevant fonts & colors

Horizontal navigation

Here are the font & color settings that affect horizontal navigation  bars (tab, button, bar, dropmenu).

This includes the template insert codes:

Relevant fonts & colors settings



Category navigation

Affected template insert codes

Relevant settings

Page navigation

Affected template insert codes

Relevant settings


Relevant settings

Email a Friend

Affected template insert codes

Relevant settings


Affected template insert codes

Relevant links

Featured product




Affected template insert codes

Relevant settings

Pop up

Affected template include codes

Relevant settings


Affected template include codes

Relevant settings

Social media

Affected template include codes

Relevant settings


Relevant settings


The following include codes and pages listed will show what fonts & colors affect them. The list is incomplete and will be added to frequently. Note that if something is accessed via css it will override the fonts & colors setting. For example, if the Form Button Bkgd is green and css is used to make it red, the form button background will be red.

Articles page

css access

individual menu entries

div.sb_main_articles ul li

Blog page

Affected settings

FAQ page

Home page

Template include codes

missing colors:

if certain fields have no color a default is used

if 'BodyBkgd' then #FFFFFF (white)

if ends in 'Bkgd' then #CCCCCC

if ends in 'Text' or 'Link' or label is 'HeaderColor' or label is 'AccentColor' then #000000 (black)

if 'SaleColor' then #990000 (red)


elseif ($lastfour == 'over')
$clrval = ${str_replace('Hover', 'Link', $clrlabel)};

Copyright - %COPYRIGHT%

Font size: small font
Text color: body text

Site search - %SEARCH_SITE%

Displays search box and search button for searching the site.

search button text color: Form Button Text
search button background color: Form Button Bkgd
search button border color: Form Button Border

Access via css

How to change the 'search' button using css. This changes the background color to burgundy red and the text to white:

form input.formbutton {color: #FFF; background-color: #821518;}

Site message - %SITE_MESSAGE%

Title - %TITLE%

text size: Large Font

View Cart

Affected template insert codes

Relevant settings


For a more complete explanation of %include codes% click here.
