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How to use the category lower description

Oct 11, 2017 by Doug DePrenger

This article shows how to use the category lower description, available since version 10.4.5.

A category has a place to provide a description of the category (the Description: field). The description appears where the %CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION% template insert code (tic) appears in the template. The category's content, a list of products and/or other categories, appears where the %CONTENT% tic appears in the template. To put a description below the category's content, the Lower Description: field is used and will appear where the %CATEGORY_LOWERDESC% tic appears in the template.

If the Lower Description: field is to be used, the template insert code %CATEGORY_LOWERDESC% must be put in the template. It is usually placed below the %CONTENT% one. Note the category description is from the %CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION% template insert code and is usually placed just above %CONTENT%.

If you want nothing below the items, leave Lower Description blank and/or leave out %CATEGORY_LOWERDESC%.

If you only want text below the cars, leave Description: blank, fill in  the lower description, and include %CATEGORY_LOWERDESC% in the template.

The feature adds flexibility to the category page.